Our new office is having the final touches done on the roof, some more structural braces are being added to make sure it doesn't rain down on us. Once the roof is up we can lay the concrete floor and start to seal up the building. Then when it's all sealed we can build the best Home Cinema demo and Sonos / Nuvo multi room audio testing suite in Thailand :-) Not to forget the Roth Speakers demo lounge.
Before Bracing
Welding Some Structural Bracing
H3 Digital - Cinema, Audio, Lights
Bracing Going On
Structural Bracing for the Roof
We've already got Black UPVC Windows on Order from our good friend Nathan at Project Supplies Direct, These will go in shortly after the concrete floor has been laid. Then we will concrete and brick up the other gaps, add doors and then we can move onto the interior and electrics etc...